Journeys to Self Development

10 Lessons I learned from 2024

As we stagger through the first few days of 2025, wondering what this year will bring us, I have been reflecting on 2024, the lessons I learned, the challenges I faced and the things that surprised me. 

2024 was a year of huge change for me, some of it planned, some unplanned, and I definitely think it has changed me, hopefully for the better!

1. Resilience is a muscle not a Trait

2024 tested my ability to adapt and bounce back.  I learned that resilience isn’t something you’re born with – it’s something you build, one challenge at a time.  Every setback is an opportunity to build my resilience.  I feel that those challenges have helped me be more empathetic to others, which is a real positive in my coaching.  It has given me a good understanding of how to successfully build resilience in myself and others.

2. My Health is my Number One Priority

During 2024, I noticed my health wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be.  I had put on some weight, my joints were painful, and I was feeling quite low despite some lovely things happening in my life.  I realised that if I didn’t look after myself, then I couldn’t work, look after others in my life or fully enjoy myself.  I changed my routines to build in more exercise and time away from work.  I took a hard look at what I was eating – not unhealthy in itself, just too much!  Now I feel healthier and happier, my aches and pains are much reduced and I have lost weight!  I took responsibility for my health.

3. Progress beats perfection

It’s rare that you will ever get things perfect, and you can waste a lot of time aiming for perfection.  Last year helped me realise that waiting till something is perfect delays any progress at all.  So whilst I still aim for quality work, I realise it’s more important so keep moving forward even if it’s not perfect or fully finished. 

4. Relationships thrive on TLC

    Personal and work relationships don’t just ‘happen’ – they need care and effort.  Last year, I made a conscious effort to prioritise positive relationships, being there when it matters and making time.  I have also tried to manage those draining relationships to ensure I don’t spend too much emotional energy on them.  Simply listening strengthens my bonds with those I care about.

    5. Time is my most precious resource

    Time if finite and I want to spend my time on things that matter to me and bring me fulfillment.  I have learned to say ‘no’ more often to commitments I find draining or don’t interest me – I haven’t mastered this skill totally, but I am learning to pause before automatically saying ‘yes’ to anything giving myself time to reflect and work out if this is something I really want to do!

    6. Failure is step towards growth

    Some of my biggest lessons have come from mistakes and failures.  Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, I have used them as an opportunity to learn.  Failure isn’t the opposite of success, it’s part of the journey.  FAIL – First Attempt At Learning.

    7. Gratitude changes everything

    It’s easy to feel really negative with everything that’s going on in the world – wars, natural disasters, toxic personalities.  I found myself feeling very low listening to the news, but knowing I needed to keep in touch.  So, to counter that, I spend time each day reflecting on the positives in my life – a lovely sunrise or sunset, wonderful people doing amazing things, a tasty meal or a good laugh.  It has definitely helped me feel better and balance the negative and positive things in the world.

    8. asking for help is a strength not a weakness

    Last year I reflected on how good it feels to help others, how much I get from coaching and mentoring others or just being a listening ear for someone.  I have started to reach out and ask for help myself and be more honest about what support I need. It has really helped strengthen relationships and led to more collaboration and I feel as though I can be more honest with others.

    9. Learning never stops

    It doesn’t matter how many years you have been around, how much you have learned or how skilled you are, there is always more to learn.  Other people’s perspectives, new skills and technologies.  My Dad was in his 90’s when he learned how to building a website –  it kept him active and interested.  Growth doesn’t have an expiration date, staying curious and open to learning gives me energy and inspired.

    10. It’s OK to let go

    Very little is meant to last forever and that’s fine.  Letting go of unhelpful habits, unproductive relationships or unobtainable goals allows space for healthier, more fulfilling and enriching opportunities.

    Looking ahead to 2025

    These lessons are top of my mind right now, and I want to keep them front and centre of my approach to life this year.  They remind me that I continue to grow and if I keep focused that will help me become the person I want to be.  I hope they resonate with you too – and I would love to hear about the lessons you’ve learned.

    What’s the one thing that last year taught you that you will be taking forward?