
New Year. New Journey

This isn’t the first time I’ve been in business for myself – in fact it’s the fourth (or fifth if you count a small newsletter I published whilst at school – I think I earned enough money for a bag of sweets!).  I think I must be one of those ‘serial entrepreneurs’.  I have also had some really interesting and challenging employment!

Each time I go move into a new role it’s like diving off a cliff with very little protection!

It’s exhilarating, challenging, and scary.  

Will I make enough money to survive?  Will people take me seriously?  Can I actually do what I am telling people I can?

I’ve been a successful hotel owner.  I’ve run a marketing consultancy for pubs and hotels.  I have helped businesses with change management and sustainability and now I am supporting several organisations with a wide range of issues from bid writing to Governance and management and leadership development. 

Every move I have made has been exciting and motivating….. and scary!

Each time though I have been fortunate enough to have a coach and mentor, someone in my corner rooting for me, acting as a sounding board and suggesting possible courses of action.  These have been different people along the journey, people I have chosen because of the particular situation I was in.  Some have been friends or ex-colleagues and others have been working professionally in this role.  All have been valuable in some form.

These people all have one thing in common. They have all been incredibly generous with their time, their expertise and their contacts.  And most importantly their friendship and support.

Going out on your own or changing roles and organisations can be lonely and frightening.  It’s hard reaching out for help when you aren’t sure of the people around you.  Will your new clients or new boss question your abilities if you show your vulnerability?  Who should you ask for help when you’re in a new environment.

As I have progressed, my greatest honour and pleasure has been to mentor and coach others, to watch them grow and blossom, discovering new talents and passions and take on the new challenge in front of them.

In turn, I have learnt so much from the people I coach, skills I have used to help others.  Often, I have been able to connect them up for mutual benefit and I have seen some wonderful partnerships and friendships develop from these connections.

Coaching and mentoring are transformative and collaborative partnerships that unlock your potential, fostering personal and professional growth.  I take you on a journey of self-discovery, clarifying goals and values and fostering a deeper understanding of yourself.

My resolution this year, and my ambition for my new journey is to help people realise their full potential, to be the companion walking beside people as they step into the future, using my coaching and mentoring skills to help them succeed.  I want to share my skills and experience in the same way as so many kind, generous and knowledgeable people have done with me.

Happy New Year 2024.