Silhouette of Three People

‘Let me take you on a journey to reach your full potential’

That’s my strapline, elevator pitch, introduction  – call it what you will.

I wish I could say I came up with it, but I have to hand the credit to the lovely Lucy Dynes at Kernow Media. Lucy helped me come up with my image and branding!  After 15 minutes, she understood more about me than I do!

We are all on a journey, in our lives, our work and our relationships – our environment is always changing and evolving and we have to adapt accordingly. 

I think that’s what makes people’s lives and stories so interesting. It’s like a never-ending film or book, what happens next?  Do they live happily ever after?  Does the world become a better place after the showdown? 

What helps us navigate our journey? 

Maps are certainly important. When I was a child, one of my favourite pass times was to explore using my Dad’s world atlas planning expeditions.  When I learnt to drive, my evenings would be spent pouring over a road map, working out all the different ways I could get to my destination and what I could visit on the way – generally though I opted for the quickest route as I was always in a hurry!  Today, we just pop our destination into our chosen route finder which sort of takes away some of the excitement and planning. It does however save a lot of time and helps us avoids road closures and traffic jams.

I have found that people have contributed massively to my journey. They have helped me identify when I’m going in the wrong direction, kept me on my chosen path and dragged me along the difficult bits.  From time to time, people have also been a barrier to my chosen path, and I have had to figure out how to navigate around them or change direction. 

In life and in work, we all need maps and an idea of where we are going, but we also need people to join us on the journey or help us find the right road or a new path.

In my early 20’s, I had a vague idea of what I wanted my life to look like but no idea of how I was going to achieve that.  Thankfully, I have had some great people join me on my journey, showing me my potential, believing in me, supporting me and sometimes blocking me when I was taking the wrong route.  As a result, my life has been a lot more interesting and richer than I could ever have imagined!

What do we need in life and in work?

In my work and in my life, I have learned how to draw up plans and strategies to help us achieve our goals and ambitions and be successful.  I have also learned that often external events have meant we must be prepared to deviate and adapt to respond to changing opportunities and circumstances.  (the pandemic was an extreme example of this).

I have learned to listen to people – even those I don’t agree with, to evaluate their views, input and information, and reach my own conclusions.  However sure you are of yourself, getting input from others is key to success and avoiding mistakes.

Successfully navigating your life or your work isn’t about reaching a destination, it’s about having a plan but being prepared to deviate or change direction.  Most importantly though, it’s about the journey and making it as interesting, enjoyable and rewarding as possible and making sure you have the right people on your journey with you.

I love working with people as they undertake their journey through life or work or both, travelling some distance with them and watching them walk off into the sunrise of success.  Read some of my case studies and testimonials here https:/. It’s a privilege to share that important planning time and I am thankful that so many wonderful people have joined me on my journey and continue to point out new directions and opportunities that would be good for me!